Niyodogawa Variety 6-pack
Niyodogawa Variety 6-pack


セット内容(全て330mLビン)/ Set contents (all 330 mL bottles)

2410 (Belgian White)

17 (Satumaimo stout)

439 (green tea IPA)

89 (Extra Special Bitter)

Santa Monica (Pale Ale)

Machu Picchu (New England IPA)


※クール便での発送となります/ Package will be shipped chilled



[ビール詳細 / Beer Details]


ベルギーホワイト / ABV 5% / 苦味:少


Style: Belgian White / ABV: 5% / Bitterness: Low

Description: Niyodogawa-cho grown sansho and ginger are combined with coriander seeds, citrus peel, and Belgian ale yeast for a refreshing, spicy, and fruity beer.


さつまいもスタウト / ABV 5.5% / 苦味:少


Style: Satsumaimo Stout / ABV: 5.5% / Bitterness: Low

Description:  This dark beer features Niyodogawa-cho grown satsumaimo. The dark malts for this beer add chocolate and caramel notes, which combine well with the satsumaimo to produce a balanced, flavorful, easy to drink stout.


グリーンティーIPA / ABV 5.5% / 苦味:中 


Style: Green Tea IPA / ABV: 5.5% / Bitterness: Medium

Description: This is an easy drinking, not so bitter, west coast style IPA that has a tasty, balanced blend between Niyodogawa-cho grown green tea and American hops.


森林面積が89%を占める仁淀川町の高地に自生するクロモジの木は、香り高くリラックス効果があります。また高級な香木として、お茶や爪楊枝として利用されています。この89ESBは、モルトの甘みとホップの苦味にクロモジの香りを織りまぜて、イングリッシュエールの1つであるESB(Extra Special Bitter)スタイルで醸造しました。仁淀川町の深緑を感じさせる爽やかな苦味をお楽しみください。

Style: Extra Special Bitter / ABV: 5% / Bitterness: Medium

Description: Kuromoji is infused into this ESB (Extra Special Bitter - a not so bitter classic English style brew) to add a wonderful aroma to this easy drinking ale.


Santa Monica

ペールエール /ABV6%/苦味:中〜少

Style: Pale Ale / ABV: 6% / Bitterness: Medium-Low

Description: This pale ale has ample hop dosing like an IPA, but doesn’t have the bitterness. Dank and citrus notes from the hops are balanced with a touch of caramel flavor from the malt making this a highly drinkable, refreshing beer.

Machu Picchu

ニューイングランドIPA / ABV 6% / 苦味:少


Style: New England IPA / ABV: 6% / Bitterness: Medium-Low

Description: Oats and wheat fermented in our east coast ale yeast results in this hazy beer with rich mouthfeel. Huge hop additions provide notes of tropical, citrus, and stone-fruit.