delicious craft beers in mountain paradise
a craft beer retreat like no other
Delicious beers, tasty dishes, fun activities, and beautiful nature. Children, pets, designated drivers... everyone is welcome! Enjoy a nature walk with your beer!

Undiscovered japan
Niyodogawa-cho is not on any top ten tourism list, but it should be. We have great nature, beautiful views, delicious foods, and lots of cool people doing lots of cool things. We love our town, and we believe you will too!

world class water purity
The Niyodogawa River is one of Japan's clearest rivers. Many of the tributaries of the Niyodogawa River originate in our town. We are blessed with this crystal clear water, which nourishes our forests and farmlands, and is the foundation for all of our beers.
仁淀川(によどがわ)は何度も水質日本一に輝く清流。その仁淀川へ注ぐいくつもの支流は信じがたいほどの美しさです。この素晴らしく美味しい水は仁淀川町の誇りです。MUKAI CRAFT BREWEINGはこの水をベースにクラフトビールを造っています。

Stay overnight!
Shimonanosato and Yumenomori Campground are next to BLUE BREW, our taproom. They offer great rates for convenient accommodations with excellent amenities!
「BLUE BREW 醸造所&タップルー」から宿泊施設とキャンプ場が徒歩圏内にあります。『山村自然楽校しもなの郷』は食事付、素泊まり、自炊など自分のスタイルに合わせて選べます。BBQとキャンプファイヤーが好きな人は『夢の森公園キャンプ場』へ。
Blue Brew Taproom
〒781-1762 高知県吾川郡仁淀川町下名野川1131-4
1131-4 Shimonanokawa, Niyodogawa-cho, Agawa-gun, Kochi-ken 781-1762