2410     ニ・ヨ・ド

Belgian White Ale

ABV 5%

This beer features Niyodogawa-cho grown sansho and ginger, which together provide a spicy accent to the fruity backbone of this Belgian style beer. Citrus peel and coriander seeds balance out the flavor profile to produce a refreshing beer which is great while enjoying a nature walk, especially along the Nakatsu River.




ベルギーホワイトをこよなく愛するファンは多い。山椒と生姜に加えビターオレンジの乾皮とコリアンダー種が醸し出すスパイシーでフルーティーな味わい、わずかに感じるヨーグルトのような酸味はビールが苦手な人に優しいクラフトビール。白く濁った様子は小麦を使用しているホワイトエールの特徴。 愛称『2410』ニヨドは仁淀川町を数字で表現しました。

17        じゅうなな

Satsumaimo Stout

ABV 5.5%

Rice has historically been difficult to grow in the mountainous terrain of Niyodogawa-cho, so residents grew up on other staples, such as Satsumaimo. This stout features locally grown satsumaimo, which creates a rich mouthfeel to our stout. A small dose of chocolate malt adds an interesting balance to the aroma and flavor profile. Enjoy with hearty foods, such as the smoked Amego we serve at BLUE BREW.


 アルコール 5.5% 



439       ヨ・サ・ク

Green Tea IPA

ABV 5.5%

We named this beer after highway 439, which is the main highway to get around Niyodogawa-cho. Views from 439 are incredible, including the Niyodogawa River, vast cedar and hinoki forests, and well manicured terraced tea fields. We make this beer with an infusion of green tea, which is one of our town's cherished agricultural products. The result is a well balanced, not too bitter, polyphenol-rich IPA that finishes with a refreshing citrus zest.


アルコール 5.5% 



89    はちじゅうきゅう


ABV: 5%

Kuromoji is one of the many special trees that grows in Niyodogawa-cho, which is 89% forest. We infused Kuromoji leaves into this ESB (Extra Special Bitter - a not so bitter classic English style brew) to add a wonderful aroma to this easy drinking ale.


アルコール 5.5%

ESB (Extra special bitter) はイングリッシュスタイルの一つ。




Santa Monica サンタモニカ

Pale Ale

ABV 6%

This is Ken's table beer as a homebrewer. Originally a light, clear beer at 4.5% ABV this recipe evolved over many years to be more hazy, hoppy, and malty, and finishes almost with the bitterness of an IPA. This beer is named after the place of its origin. When sipping this beer, we hope you think of the beautiful sandy beaches of Santa Monica -- only a few kilometers from where this beer originated.


アルコール  6% 

ロサンゼルスの自宅で醸造(ホームブルーイング)をしている時によく造っていたテーブルビール。当初ABV4.5%のライトでクリアーなビールだったはずのものが、醸造回数を重ねるごとにホッピーでモルティーな味になり、ペールエールスタイルをベースとしているが後味はウエストコーストIPAスタイルを思わせる変わった背景を持つクラフトビール。サンタモニカはロサンゼルスの海沿いにある町。長年ビール の造り方を学び、実践し、多くの仲間と楽しんだ故郷である。

Machu Picchu マチュピチュ

New England India Pale Ale

ABV 6%

Look around Niyodogawa-cho and you'll see homes perched near the top of steep mountains hundreds of meters above the main road. This reminds us of Machu Picchu, the Peruvian World Heritage Site, except out here we still have folks who live up there! We named this beer as a tribute to those residents and their ancestors who figured out how to balance their lives while living at extreme heights. We found the name fitting also because this beer involves some extreme hopping yet it finishes with a delicious balance between bitterness, mouthfeel, aroma, and tropical flavor.


アルコール 6%


Mammoth Lakes マンモスレイクス


ABV 5.5%

We often get asked why we moved to Niyodogawa-cho. One reason is because it reminds us of Mammoth Lakes, California, which was our regular vacation spot in America. It is a place of beautiful forests, natural springs, superb fishing, brilliant seasonal colors, and lots of water... just like Niyodogawa-cho. This beer is a tribute to both of these wonderful places. As a lager, this brew takes twice the time to compared to our ales. But this patient process rewards us with an easy to drink beer with rich malty flavor, crisp bitterness, and clean finish.


アルコール 5.5%


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